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Enchanted Gemstone

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INV Stone 01.png
  • Enchanted Gemstone
  • This artifact of the Kelani Magi is said to hold the power to make constructs out of pure energy. When the Kelani fell to ruin, the Razormane Quilboars were quick to scavenge and covet these beautiful and powerful objects.
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, the manuals, and/or official bonus maps.

The Enchanted Gemstone was an artifact of the Kelani Magi. It is said to hold the power to make constructs out of pure energy. When the Kelani fell to ruin, the Razormane quilboar were quick to scavenge and covet these beautiful and powerful objects.

Item description

Ground description: This is an Enchanted Gemstone.

Inventory description: This artifact of the Kelani Magi is said to hold the power to make constructs out of pure energy. When the Kelani fell to ruin, the Razormane Quillboars were quick to scavenge and covet these beautiful and powerful objects.


Cairne Bloodhoof can find this in the Stonetalon Peak caverns in The Oracle, chapter 7 of the Warcraft III orc campaign, The Invasion of Kalimdor.

es:Gema encantada