Empyrium Deposit Chunk (quest)

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NeutralEmpyrium Deposit Chunk
Start  [Empyrium Deposit Chunk]
End Khamir
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Mining
Rewards Mining Technique: Empyrium Deposit (Rank 1)
Next N Mining [45] Angling For a Better Strike


Find someone on the Vindicaar who might be able to train you on how to mine an empyrium deposit.


<As you swing your pickaxe into the ore, it hits with a resounding thud, sending a small chunk of it to the ground. At this rate, it would take you all day to get a sufficient amount of ore from this deposit.>

<Perhaps someone can give you some insight into how to mine this deposit properly.>


You will learn the following: Mining Technique: Empyrium Deposit (Rank 1)


Empyrium requires a precise strike to yield the best results. Aim your pick at the brightest bits of the ore, which also happen to be very small, hence the precision.

This will break the deposit apart faster and you'll be able to harvest ore quicker.


  1. N Mining [45] Empyrium Deposit Chunk
  2. N Mining [45] Angling For a Better Strike
  3. N Mining [45] Precision Perfected

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