Ember Court: Lost Chalice Band

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VenthyrEmber Court: Lost Chalice Band
Start Caretaker Tedo
End Caretaker Tedo
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Ember Court
Experience 8,150
Rewards  [Contract: Lost Chalice Band]
25g 74s


Use band posters to recruit 10 groupies and 10 roadies and recover 3 Confiscated Band Supplies.


Hips was smart to send you my way. The Lost Chalice Band plays the best music this side of the Maw!

The band is not quite ready to tour yet, however.

The musicians are all safe in the crypt behind me, but their instruments have been confiscated by our obnoxious neighborhood authorities!

Noise complaints and all that.

Help me get those back, and perhaps recruit a few groupies and roadies along the way to help out, and we shall throw the best concert your court has ever seen!


You will receive:

  • 25g 74s
  • 8,150 XP
Inv misc scrollrolled02c.png [Contract: Lost Chalice Band]


Any venthyr or dredger will do. We are not picky about our fans.


I do not know what promotional tricks you used, but it worked.

A whole stream of dredgers and venthyr stopped by to join the band crew!

The Lost Chalice Band is ready to tour!


This quest becomes available after purchasing  [Staff: Stage Crew].

On approach
Caretaker Tedo says: Then you shall have to trust me, Ansel.I WILL guide you all to atonement!

After picking the Band Promotional Posters, the player receives Promoting the Local Band buff and Promote the Band extra action button. Entering combat the NPCs loses the buff and needs to be reapplied with the item.

On accept
Caretaker Tedo says: Our new posters are inside the crypt. Chiu drew the artwork for them.
Chiu Brightcask says: I hope our fans like it...
Noko says: Of course they will, Chiu. It's epic!
Lucky Ansel says: If they don't like it, I don't want them as a fan!
Recruiting fails
Chalice Dredger says: Already working for my boss's band. They're gonna be big!
Chalice Dredger says: If your band is lost, go find 'em. Ha!
Chalice Dredger says: Boss says to sabotage any bands that ain't his!
Chalice Dredger says: Music confuses me. I hate it!
Chalice Dredger says: Never did like music. Bunch of weird noises, if you ask me.
Chalice Dredger says: I already got too much to do. No time for bands.
Chalice Dredger says: You tryin' to get me thrown back in the muck?
Chalice Dredger says: You're not da boss of me!
Chalice Dredger says: Sorry. Orders is orders.
Chalice Dredger says: i already got two jobs: This one here and bashing promoters like you!
Chalice Resident says: I tire of your incessant peddling!
Chalice Resident says: The Lost Chalice Band? How derivative...
Chalice Resident says: Their music is far too mortal for my taste.
Chalice Resident says: My own band is infinitely superior!
Chalice Resident says: Pfft, I liked them before they went mainstream.
Chalice Resident says: Your band's poster is ugly.
Chalice Resident says: I despise the Lost Chalice band!
Chalice Resident says: Is that who is making that racket all the time?!
Chalice Resident says: Your band is foolish and your music is unbearable!
Chalice Resident says: I have no time for your promotional spiel today.
Chalice Resident says: My sophisticated musical tastes have outgrown such music.
Chalice Resident says: My band is infinitely superior!
Chalice Resident says: Tedo should have sent those souls to the Maw long ago!
Recruiting succeeds
Chalice Dredger says: Traveling with a band sounds fun!
Chalice Dredger says: Tedo's alright by me. Whatever he needs.
Chalice Dredger says: That poster's epic! I gotta be a part of this!
Chalice Dredger says: Roadie work sure beats my current gig.
Chalice Dredger says: Roadies get into the party too, right? I'm in.
Chalice Dredger says: I'll start the mosh pit!
Chalice Dredger says: Epic poster! We should decorate the stage like that.
Chalice Resident says: Lucky Ansel is the finest violinist I have ever heard!
Chalice Resident says: I have been to every one of their concerts. I will be there!
Chalice Resident says: Oh, I simply adore the Lost Chalice Band!
Chalice Resident says: Tedo is getting the band back together? Count me in!
Chalice Resident says: The Lost Chalice Band is my favorite!
Chalice Resident says: I've not heard of them, but I love that poster! Where can I buy tickets?
Chalice Resident says: I am their biggest fan! Whatever they need, I shall do it!
Chalice Resident says: Woohoo! Lost Chalice band forever!

Find  [Confiscated Instruments],  [Confiscated Stage Lights], and  [Confiscated Stage Props].

On turn-in
Caretaker Tedo says: Good news, everyone! I have booked our next concert... and it is a BIG one!
Caretaker Tedo says: Reflection time is over. Rehearsals may commence!
Lucky Ansel says: Finally!
Chiu Brightcask says: I feel like myself again with these instruments...
Noko says: I wonder who we'll be playing for?

Patch changes

External links