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Elitist Jerks
Elitistjerks logo.jpg
URL http://www.elitistjerks.com
Type Theorycraft
Registration Free
Launched Sometime before February 23, 2005[1]
Maintained by ?
Popularity 112,451[2] (Alexa)
Status Offline

ElitistJerks was actually a guild website. However, it was more well known for the theorycrafting and strategy articles hosted on its forums. Topics included guides on class mechanics, class PvP, arena guides, raiding strategies, how to make gold, and more.

The website went down sometime in 2016, with the last announcement posted on November 30, 2015 regarding the guild having cleared Archimonde on Mythic difficulty.[3] The domain went un-renewed and unused for years until sometime in 2024, when it was purchased and made a redirect to another website that offers EULA-breaking third party services for World of Warcraft.


External links