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Echoes of Danger

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  • 15 Achievement points
  • On Radiant Discord difficulty, defeat each of the following rare creatures encountered during the Worldsoul Memory events in Khaz Algar.
  • Criteria:
    • Aqu'yinra
    • Bor'zal the Lurking
    • Venox
    • Zaniga the Tracker
    • Gurl the Feaster
    • Kiji the Stomper
    • Nalo'xic
    • Tor'go
    • Oremex Flamebreaker
    • Deepwalker Cavelord
    • Stormlord Kao'dar
    • Conquerer Or'sosh
    • Warmother Ogli
    • First Blade Grimskarn
    • Talinhet
    • The Rebellious Queen
    • Vil'Vim
    • Yoh'nath the Ender
    • Shard of Gorribal
    • Widowcore
    • S'toth The Insatiable
    • Yor'sith
    • Hand of Azshara
    • Ankoan Champion Utaari
    • Utmoth the Tidetwister
    • Clawmother Tengi
    • Pterrordaxus
    • Flame Viscerator Ignes
    • Earthfury Cragshar
    • Crateron
    • Toaka the Explorer
    • Wavecrasher Jurvak
    • Gong'tze the Riverhewer
    • Zeeben and Zillix
    • Temaya
    • The Rebellious Queen
    • Spiz'na the Traitor
    • Azerite Manefestation
    • Dregbile and Soulboil
    • Heartsear
  • Title Reward: Echochaser

Echoes of Danger is an exploration achievement earned by defeating each of the listed rare creatures encountered during the Worldsoul Memory events on Radiant Discord difficulty.

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