Durn the Hungerer

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MobDurn the Hungerer
Image of Durn the Hungerer
Gender Male
Race Gronn (Giant)
Level 15-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Nagrand[29, 63]
Status Killable
Relative(s) Gruul (father) Goc, Gorgrom the Dragon-Eater, Grulloc, Maggoc, Slaag, Skulloc Soulgrinder (brothers)
Durn the Hungerer as he appears in World of Warcraft.
Durn walking around Oshu'Gun

The gronn Durn the Hungerer is one of the seven sons of Gruul the Dragonkiller, the gronn overlord of Outland's ogres.


  • Ability warrior cleave.png Arcing Smash — Lashes out in a vicious arc, inflicting normal damage plus 125 to enemies in a cone in front of the caster.
  • Inv gauntlets 31.png Force Punch — Forcefully punches the ground, knocking all nearby enemies back and dealing 4 damage.

Objective of

Obsolete strategy

Before patch 4.3.0, Durn was a difficult elite with 126,000 HP. For historical purposes, this section contains strategy that was appropriate before the nerf to Durn.

It is recommended that at least five players who are level 66 or higher try to take him on. He does a 10-yard AOE knock-back. Generally, his hits cause 1000-2000 damage for plate wearers, 2000-3000 damage for mail wearers, 2500-3500 damage for leather wearers, and 3000-4000 damage for cloth wearers. Thus, it is of paramount importance for cloth wearers to stay as far away from Durn as possible and still be within the maximum range of their spells.

Durn wanders in a circular pattern around the Spirit Fields that surround Oshu'Gun in southwestern Nagrand. It is possible to wait at the area south of the Consortium camp and then tag him. Kiting is no longer possible since patch 2.1 He moves fast and is immune to any sort of crowd control, root, or snare.

Durn hits very, very hard, roughly equivalent to the second-to-last encounter in the Ring of Blood event. Though the quest and Durn are marked level 67, at that level two healers and a full group of 5 are pretty much required. Durn has roughly 120,000 health. He also has a wide area point blank AoE which deals damage and knocks back. A well-geared threesome (or maybe duo) of level 70 players could probably take him down.

For warlocks, bringing along an enslaved Felguard Legionnaire significantly helps with this encounter, as well as many of the other group quests in Nagrand. As of patch 3, a level 70+ demonology warlock can solo Durn with little effort, through the use of a Felguard and [Improved Health Funnel].

It is also possible to solo him with a well-equipped protection warrior with moderate block values.[1]

He can also be soloed by arcane mage with good use of [Slow] and instant spells.

Patch changes


External links