Cavalier Durgen

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MobCavalier Durgen
Image of Cavalier Durgen
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 57
Class Paladin
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Scarlet Crusade
Location Hearthglen, Western Plaguelands
Status Deceased (lore)
Killable WoW Icon update.png
In The Ashbringer.

Cavalier Durgen is a human member of the Scarlet Crusade found near Hearthglen in the Western Plaguelands.

He alongside Lorik defended Hearthglen from the Scourge.[1]

Kirsta Deepshadow wanted Durgen killed.


  • Hammer of Justice
  • Holy Strike
  • Retribution Aura

Objective of

Patch changes


External links