Droman Aliothe's Best Friend

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VenthyrDroman Aliothe's Best Friend
Start Droman Aliothe
End Droman Aliothe
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Ember Court
Rewards [Permanent RSVP]

Droman Aliothe's Best Friend is a level 60 Venthyr Covenant quest that becomes available after reaching Best Friend status with Droman Aliothe through the Ember Court.


I have seen many things in my time, <name>. But after so many Ember Courts, I can confidently say that I have not witnessed anything, or anyone, quite like you.

You and your prince have asked me to ponder both my purpose and my destiny. I do not know how this adventure that we embark upon will ultimately end, but should I fall, I would hope I shall fall by your side.

Call upon me whenever you have need of me.



Quest completion
Droman Aliothe says: This tree thrives in the forest, <name>. Return to my grove soon, so that we may both thrive.

Patch changes

External links