Dragon, Unchained (Horde)

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HordeDragon, Unchained
Start Garona Halforcen [36.4, 66.0]
End Garona Halforcen [36.4, 66.0]
Level 30-35
Category Twilight Highlands
Experience 69400
Reputation +250 Orgrimmar
Rewards 9g 40s
Previous H [30-35] Distract Them for Me, H [30-35] The Elementium Axe
Next H [30-35] Coup de Grace
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [30-35] Dragon, Unchained.


Use the Elementium Axe to break the chains enslaving Lirastrasza.


Lirastrasza is the last and greatest of the red dragons that the Twilight's Hammer captured. They're about to kill her, <class>.

You need to take the Elementium Axe and free her from her bonds before they do.

("Lirastrasza: Use the Elementium Axe to unchain her!")


You will receive: 9g 40s (or 16g 54s at max level)


All you have to do is use the axe to break Lirastrasza's chains.


Isn't she beautiful? So graceful.

I hope she gets her fill of revenge and then some.


Head southwest. Lira is chained up at [32.3, 68.7] in the middle of the red dragon area. On getting close to her:

Lirastrasza says: <Name>, is that you? Please free me from these chains.

Swing the axe:

Lirastrasza says: I am eternally grateful to you, <name>.
Lirastrasza gets up and hovers.
Lirastrasza says: I'll take care of the drakes. You worry about the rest of the Twilight rubbish.
She flies off and disappears.


  1. A [30-35] Victors' Point / H [30-35] Crushblow
  2. Complete all of:
  3. B [30-35] Move the Mountain
  4. B [30-35] Signal the Attack
  5. B [30-35] Four Heads are Better than None
  6. B [30-35] Up to the Citadel
  7. A [30-35] Just You and Mathias / H [30-35] Just You and Garona
  8. Complete all of:
    • Mathias'/Garona's quests:
    1. B [30-35] Dark Assassins & B [30-35] Bring the Hammer Down
    2. B [30-35] Distract Them for Me & B [30-35] The Elementium Axe
    3. B [30-35] Dragon, Unchained
    4. B [30-35] Coup de Grace
    • Earthen Ring quests:
    1. B [30-35] Help from the Earthcaller
    2. N [30-35] Spirit of the Loch
    3. N [30-35] Fire the Cannon
    4. B [30-35] Water of Life
  9. B [30-35] Back to the Elementium Depths (optional)
  10. B [30-35] Mr. Goldmine's Wild Ride
  11. N [30-35] A Little on the Side & N [30-35] While We're Here & N [30-35] Rune Ruination
  12. N [30-35] A Fiery Reunion
  13. A [30-35] Mathias Needs You / H [30-35] Garona Needs You
  14. B [30-35] The Hammer of Twilight
  15. B [30-35] Skullcrusher the Mountain

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