Draconic Combatant's Jeweled Signet

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Draconic Combatant's Jeweled Signet is created with Dragon Isles Jewelcrafting (35); taught by  [Design: Draconic Combatant's Jeweled Signet].

Materials required ( 35 50 55 60 ):
Inv 10 elementalshardfoozles blood.png 8x [Rousing Ire] Inv 10 jewelcrafting2 gemsetting color1.png 1x [Shimmering Clasp]
Inv 10 jewelcrafting gem1leveling uncut blue.png 5x [Mystic Sapphire]
Optional reagents:
OptionalReagent-Plus.png [Customize Secondary Stats]
Finishing reagents:
OptionalReagent-Plus.png [Polishing Cloth]
OptionalReagent-Plus.png [Lesser Illustrious Insight]

Patch changes

External links