Disarming Axe Throwers

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NeutralDisarming Axe Throwers
Start Automatic
End Automatic
Level 90 (Requires 90)
Category Isle of Thunder
Experience 13,690
Rewards 11g 40s


Collect 6 Edged Throwing Axes.


The Zandalari Edgetossers to the north are known for becoming fierce Pterodactyl riders and axe throwers. Even now, they train the Pterodactly Hatchlings to become ravenous beasts.

Please, dispatch of some of the Edgetossers and bring back some of their throwing axes so they cannot be used against us.


You will receive:

  • 11g 40s
  • 13,690 XP


This quest's ID was eventually reused for H [10-30G] Crystal Clarity.

Patch changes

External links