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Image of Deng
Gender Male
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 1-20
Reaction Friendly
Location Temple of the Five Dawns, Wandering Isle
Status Alive
Deng during the beta.

Deng is a pandaren child appearing at the Temple of the Five Dawns on the Wandering Isle.


N IconSmall Pandaren Male.gifIconSmall Pandaren Female.gif [1-20] The Singing Pools
Cai says: Hey there! Are you the one that brought back the fire spirit?
Deng says: Was he hot? I bet he was hot!
Cai says: Of course he was hot! Don't be dumb, Deng.
Deng says: I bet you're really strong, huh? You could probably kick that bridge right in half if you wanted to!
Cai says: Nuh uh. Bet they could for sure kick you over that hill, though! Hah!
Cai says: Okay bye.
Deng says: Bye!

Patch changes

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