Demon Dogs

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NeutralDemon Dogs
Start Tirion Fordring
End Tirion Fordring
Level 56 (Requires 52)
Category Eastern Plaguelands
Experience 8450 (51s at level 70)
Next N [56] Redemption


Slay 20 Plaguehound Runts, 5 Plaguehounds and 5 Frenzied Plaguehounds. Return to Tirion Fordring when the task is complete.


If you are going to remain here, I ask only that you earn your keep. We have many nuisances that could use some 'discipline.'

You can start with the Plaguehounds and their runts.

I cannot offer much in return, but you are guaranteed a warm meal and some conversation should you succeed.


You will receive:


Do not pity the demon dogs, <race>. They are abominations!


Well done, <name>. Come. Rest. Let us eat and talk of days long past!


Completing this quest and Carrion Grubbage and Blood Tinged Skies will start the Redemption quest line.

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