Deep in the Cavern

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NeutralDeep in the Cavern
Start Damrul the Stronk
End Damrul the Stronk
Level 10-45
Category Highmountain
Experience 7,400
Reputation +75 Highmountain Tribe
Rewards 9g 70s
Previous N [10-45] You Lift, Brul?


Slay 8 murlocs in Stonedark Cavern.


We're getting tired of those murlocs. They skitter around the cavern like they own it. They stole some of our most precious relics and got their fishy fins all over them.

Kill a few of them so they know they don't run things around here.


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Slippery little critters, aren't they?


I could hear their murlurulurls echoing in the cavern. Maybe they'll think twice before taking our stuff next time.


  1. N [10-45] You Lift, Brul?
  2. Complete all of:

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