Deep Thunder

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Deep Thunder is crafted with Outland Blacksmithing (70); previously taught by weaponsmithing trainers as part of the hammersmithing specialty.

Materials required:
Inv mace 2h blacksmithing 01.png 1x [Thunder] Inv elemental primal nether.png 8x [Primal Nether]
Inv elemental primal mana.png 10x [Primal Mana]

The recipe can no longer be learned, since all weaponsmithing trainers were converted to regular blacksmithing trainers in Cataclysm. It was not removed from the recipe lists of blacksmiths who'd already learned it.

Upgrade progression

  1.  [Thunder]
  2.  [Deep Thunder]
  3.  [Stormherald]

Patch changes

External links