Deciphering Demonology

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NeutralDeciphering Demonology
Start Brann Bronzebeard
End Brann Bronzebeard
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Archaeology
Experience 16,450
Rewards 19g 40s
Previous N Archaeology [45] One Step Closer
Next N Archaeology [45] Dark Secrets


Crate artifacts into 5 Restored Artifacts and find 5 Chamber Key Fragments and bring them to Brann.


I found a piece of what appears to be a key to something. I'm certain I can restore it if we can find the other bits.

After that, we need to figure out what it's a key to. An' I think I know how to do that.

I've been studying some of the artifacts I've found, and they seem to be pointing to a hidden chamber. I jes' need some more artifacts to study.


You will receive: 19g 40s


How goes the search?


I'm startin' ta think you may be as good an archaeologist as I am. But don't let that go ta yer head, <lad/lass>.

<Brann lets out a chuckle and begins to study the artifacts you brought him.>

Aye, that's it! I know where the chamber is. And once I've reassembled tha key, we're in business.



Restored Artifacts are created from items obtained by solving regular archaeology projects. The Chamber Key Fragments can be found while surveying a Suramar dig site and occasionally dropped by a Wyrmtongue Collector.


  1. N Archaeology [45] One Step Closer
  2. N Archaeology [45] Deciphering Demonology
  3. N Archaeology [45] Dark Secrets

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