Deathwing Brood Cloak

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Deathwing Brood Cloak can be acquired by combining the following components.

Materials required:
Inv misc monsterscales 07.png 1x [Insidion's Ebony Scale] Inv misc monsterscales 07.png 1x [Onyx Scale of Rivendark]
Inv misc monsterscales 07.png 1x [Jet Scale of Furywing] Inv misc monsterscales 07.png 1x [Obsidia Scale]

Random enchantments

Item Suffix Stats Bonus
of the Elder +27 Stamina, +18 Intellect, +7 Mana Per 5 sec.
of the Sorcerer +27 Stamina, +21 Spell Power, +18 Intellect
of the Knight +27 Stamina, +21 Spell Power, +18 Defense Rating
of the Hierophant +27 Stamina, +18 Spirit, +21 Spell Power
of the Invoker +18 Critical Strike Rating, +21 Spell Power, +18 Intellect
of the Champion +27 Stamina, +18 Strength, +18 Defense Rating
of the Prophet +21 Spell Power, +18 Spirit, +18 Intellect
of the Physician +27 Stamina, +18 Intellect, +21 Spell Power
of the Bandit +27 Stamina, +36 Attack Power, +18 Agility
of the Soldier +27 Stamina, +18 Strength, +18 Critical Strike Rating
of the Beast +27 Stamina, +18 Strength, +18 Agility

Patch changes

  • Bc icon.gif Patch 2.4.0 (2008-03-25): These cloaks are now bound on equip instead of bound on pickup.
  • Bc icon.gif Patch 2.1.0 (2007-05-22): Added.

External links