Darkshore Drilling (Horde)

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For the Alliance version, see War Campaign Generic Darkshore Drilling.
HordeDarkshore Drilling
Shatterspear Vale
Level 120 (800)
Duration 8 hours
Followers 3
Type War Campaign Generic
Enemies IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Belysra Starbreeze
Cost 40 War Resources
Champion XP 200
Bonus Chest [Zandalari Empire Commendation] (varies)
Bonus Roll [Zandalari Empire Commendation] (varies)


Night elves streaming out of Darnassus pose a threat to Shatterspear Vale. Construct defenses in the nearby war camp to protect our troll allies.




The mention of Darnassus is probably a mistake as the Alliance version states that the conflict in northern Darkshore happens after the Burning of Teldrassil. Alternatively, it could mean that storywise the mission took place during the War of the Thorns, despite it being made available later. Last but not least it could mean that there are still night elves in the ruined Darnassus, but it is unlikely.

Patch changes

External links