Dark Legacy Comics

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Dark Legacy Comics
URL https://www.darklegacycomics.com/
Type Webcomic
Registration No
Launched 2006
Maintained by Arad Kedar

Dark Legacy Comics are a series of World of Warcraft-related comics drawn by Keydar.



Keydar is the main creator of the comics. His character is a human rogue who is usually portrayed as being one of the silliest of the group. The first appearance of his character in the comics was in comic #1 'I'm a good healer'.


Gigzara (or Gigz) is the first friend of Keydar's to be seen in the comic. She is a night elf priest. Though the most sensitive of the group, Gigzara is also prone to violent outbursts. Gigzara loves cooking, and if the ingredient's required are not around, she will improvise (kill people/animals and cook them). She can be seen in the early comics usually healing people; however as they continue she eventually starts to participate in other ways. The first appearance of her character in the comics was in comic #1 'I'm a good healer'.


Mijikai (or Miji) is a gnome warrior frequently seen as one of the most impatient members of the group. It's worth noting, Mijikai in Japanese is the word for short (Not height-wise). The first appearance of his character in the comics was in comic #2 'Gnomes...'.


Narya is a gnome mage who seems to be good friends with Mijikai. He is also married to Nyteblade. The first appearance of his character in the comics was in comic #3 'Lag'.


Nyteblade (or Nyte) is the wife of Narya. She is a human rogue. The first appearance of her character in the comics was in comic #8 'lol, oops'.


Krom is a human paladin. Krom is the grumpiest, most serious member of the group. Krom dislikes Keydar. The first appearance of his character in the comics was in comic #8 'lol, oops'.


Donald is the representation of a noob in Dark Legacy Comics. He always appears in ever more increasingly silly storylines and is by far the stupidest of the group. He is a human and it is implied at first that he is a warrior, but it's later revealed that he's actually a priest[1]. The first appearance of his character in the comics was in comic #45 'Bufs plz'.


Horace is an NPC -- to be more precise an Orc Cabal Abjurist. Although not a member of the Dark Legacy group, he's nevertheless a character who often appears throughout the comics. Horace is often seen exploited in every possible way by the players until he decides to create the NPC Alliance to counterattack against the players.[2][3] His first appearance was in comic #92 'The Other Guys'.


Gretta is Horace's wife, an Orc Cabal Tomb-Raider. She appears to immensely love Horace. Her first appearance was in comic #92 'The Other Guys'.

Max Blackhammer

Max appears to be a representation of a vendor and armor repairer, who tries to take at least three gold baths a day.[4] He participated in Horace's NPC rebellion.[5] His first appearance was in comic #90 'Profession'.


The characters and the original guild are on the US realm Lightbringer. Of all the characters, only Keydar has reached 60 and seems to continue to play. However, he is no longer in the guild Dark Legacy.


  1. ^ Comic #354 'R-E-S-P-E-C'. Retrieved on 2022-02-20.
  2. ^ Comic #112 'The NPC Alliance'. Retrieved on 2022-02-20.
  3. ^ Comic #140 'Operation: Horace'. Retrieved on 2022-02-20.
  4. ^ Comic #126 'The NPC Hierarchy'. Retrieved on 2022-02-20.
  5. ^ Comic #144 'Tyrant'. Retrieved on 2022-02-20.

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