Danric the Bold

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AllianceDanric the Bold
Image of Danric the Bold
Title <Wrynn's Raiders>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Class Paladin
Resource Mana
Affiliation(s) Wrynn's Raiders
Location Dalaran
Status Alive

Danric the Bold is a human paladin who wanders around Dalaran and acts like a player (using a  [Hearthstone], training professions, checking the bank, etc.).

He reappears in the Firelands as a member of Wrynn's Raiders.


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Wrath-Logo-Small.png Dalaran 10-30 Alliance Horde
Molten Fields, Firelands 35 Alliance Horde Seen during N [35 Daily] Fire in the Skies.
Legion Dalaran 10-45 Alliance Horde


  • Spell holy divineintervention.png Divine Shield — Protects the caster from all attacks and spells for 8 sec., but also increases the time between attacks by 100% during that time.


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Patch changes

External links

Northrend Firelands The Broken Isles