Dance for Ruumbo!

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NeutralDance for Ruumbo!
Start Totem of Ruumbo
End Grazle
Level 15-30
Category Felwood
Experience 575-5,790
Reputation +250 Timbermaw Hold
Rewards  [Grazle's Sandals] or
 [Allen's Abandoned Belt] or
 [Ruumbo's Arm] or
 [Pulled Wool]
Previous N [15-30] Ruumbo Demands Honey, N [15-30] Ruumbo Demands Justice


Do a silly dance for Ruumbo.

  • Ruumbo's Secret discovered


You have done well, <race>! Ruumbo is pleased by your bravery, and the delicious honey you have given Ruumbo.

Now, you must... you must dance! Yes!

Dance for Ruumbo! Dance!


Those two brats... I should have known! They were smart enough to hush whenever I went to examine the totem.

I'll be sure to find them and drag them back to Timbermaw Hold by the ears! Thank you for looking into it...


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv boots leather 12.png [Grazle's Sandals] Inv belt 99v2.png [Allen's Abandoned Belt]
Inv mace 10.png [Ruumbo's Arm] Inv misc cape 03.png [Pulled Wool]

You will also receive: 65s


Accepting quest

The hero dances in front of the totem of Ruumbo.
Drizle says: Hee hee... hee hee hee... ha ha ha!
Ferli says: Shh! They can hear you, dummy!
Drizle says: Don't call me dummy, dummy!
The two timbermaw cubs fall out of the totem, revealing themselves!
Ferli says: Ow! Now they can see us!
Drizle says: Run!
Drizle and Ferli quickly flee in different directions.


  1. A [15-30] Hero's Call: Felwood! / H [15-30] Warchief's Command: Felwood! (optional breadcrumbs)
  2. Complete all of:
  3. N [15-30] An Arcane Ally (optional breadcrumb to Ruins of Constellas)

Patch changes

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