Daelya Twilightsbane

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HordeDaelya Twilightsbane
Image of Daelya Twilightsbane
Gender Female
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Level 1-10
Class Paladin
Reaction Horde
Location Darkmaul Plains, Exile's Reach[57.6, 52.2]
Status Deceased

Daelya Twilightsbane is a blood elf ghost paladin located at the Darkmaul Plains on Exile's Reach. When the Horde's second expedition came to the island, she approached Grunt Throg and asked him to send the group's novice paladin to see her. She granted the paladin [Divine Shield] as a boon from the Light, so they could reach a nearby Necrotic Altar and destroy it.

With her final task fulfilled, Daelya's spirit was called to the Light.



Main article: A Paladin's Service (Horde)#Notes
Main article: The Divine's Shield (Horde)#Notes

Patch changes

See also

  • Yorah, her Alliance counterpart

External links