Cypher Lore Codex

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  • Cypher Lore Codex
  • Binds when picked up
  • Unique
  • Cyphers of the First Ones
  • "A copy of the data recovered in Zereth Mortis."
  • <Right Click to Read>

The Cypher Lore Codex is obtained from the Concordance Codex Dispenser in Exile's Hollow in Zereth Mortis.


Cypher Lore Codex

A Collection of Meditations on the Creations of the First Ones.

Variations on Actualization

When does an idea truly become its own individual? Every one of us is carefully created, structured, and meant to serve a purpose. Each line painstakingly drawn and put together to create a strong latticework, but still whole on its own. When is the line distinct from the design?

Reflections on Choice

All of creation resides in the heart. A central point that flows outward into endless possibilities. All paths have been travelled but never the same twice. Each choice is unique. The song ever changes into a new and beautiful tune with every step.

A Meditation on Existence

Existence is contextual. The light cannot be defined without the dark, to have one requires the other. Language is also contextual, there is only meaning with reasoning. The deeper the reasoning, the ever changing the meaning. Their thoughts encompass everything and nothing all at once. They are what we cannot comprehend.

Reflections on Reality

A desire to tame the wild. Make what is vicious, playful. It can shift one to the other with enough time. The weave of reality flows in all directions making any outcome possible.

Circles and Cycles

The Circles are industrious. True beings of harmony. Their thoughts flow like a river that breaks into smaller and smaller channels that feed once again into the greater stream. There is no beginning or end to them, they are always whole.

A Meditation on Secrets

Secrets must be kept. Stored away. Contained safely so that they may be revealed at the correct time and place. A secret told too soon is ruinous to all. The archives maintain the balance. The grand design of the First Ones must be protected at all costs.

Variations on Majesty

I hear their song ring out across the water. Melodies in the pattern telling stories to all. Jumping. Swimming. Running. Bulbous and majestic, they stand strong.

A Hymn of Awe

The land shifts as needed. From dust to lush, from forest to desert. It changes to suit their needs, to build their great designs. The First Ones. Architects of the pattern. In their wisdom we stand in awe.

Variations on Growth

Creation, growth, life. Everything bursts forth from the spark of idea. Death is an ending that they rebuild from. Anything broken can be fixed with proper care and culling.

Variations on Cervid

With grace and beauty the cervid lope across the land. Their elegant lines a delight to behold. Joy to the viewer, prey to the predator. This is the cycle eternal, a beginning, and an end.

Reflections on Balance

There is purpose to each of us. Built with intention we each perform our task to perfection. Building. Tending. Guiding. Maintaining. We fulfill their wishes perfectly balanced. Their design not to be questioned.

A Meditation on Separation

I see the harmony and juxtaposition of beings so sprightly yet so deadly. Is this why we are separated? Two worlds so close yet so far apart. A barrier that protects one from the other. As was meant to be.

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