Cure of Aruunem

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NeutralCure of Aruunem
Start Seer Malune[65.4, 50.8]
End Seer Malune[65.4, 50.8]
Level 20-40
Category Talador
Experience 14,380
Rewards 13g 40s
Previous B [20-40] Seek Out the Seer
Next N [20-40] Aruumel's Rest


Collect 60 Aruunem Berries from around Duskfall Island.


I need your help in creating an elixir that will allow us passage into the realm of the dead.

In order to create it I require a sampling of the local vegetation. You will find Aruunem berries scattered about on the island. Bring me as many as you can carry.

Be warned, <name>: do not eat them raw! The poison in the berries would kill you within minutes!


You will receive: 13g 40s


Have you collected enough Aruunem berries?


I'm glad you did not eat any berries. I'm not sure what I would do if you were to die.


  1. B [20-40] Seek Out the Seer
  2. N [20-40] Dust of the Dead & N [20-40] Cure of Aruunem
  3. N [20-40] Aruumel's Rest

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