Cubic Conundrum

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NeutralCubic Conundrum
Start  [Mysterious Cube]
End Dariness the Learned
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Dalaran
Next N [45] Cubic Currents


Take the Mysterious Cube to Dariness the Learned in Dalaran.


<You find a mysterious cube. Its design is unfamiliar, but unmistakably ancient.

The cube's surface is inlaid with magical runes. Though inert, its properties may be worth investigating.

Perhaps if you show it to Dariness the Learned in Dalaran, she could tell you more about it.>


<Dariness peers at the artifact you hand her.>

A most interesting design! It reminds me of an ancient curio I read long ago while still in training. I doubt it could be that though. Such a device has never been found.

Hmm, I wonder if it still works. Only one way to find out...


  1. N [45] Cubic Conundrum
  2. N [45] Cubic Currents
  3. N [45D] Return to Karazhan: Cubic Cynosure
  4. N [45] Cubic Coalescing

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