Crushing the Wildhammer (daily)

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HordeCrushing the Wildhammer
Start Malkar
End Malkar
Level 30-35
Type Daily
Category Twilight Highlands
Experience 55,200
Reputation +250 Dragonmaw Clan
Rewards 9g (13g 15s 50c at 85)


Kill Wildhammer Warbrands to collect 8 Wildhammer Insignias. Named characters within the Thundermar Ruins will also carry insignias.


The Wildhammer grow bold with their new Alliance allies. They dare press across the river. Drive them back!

Seek out and crush the Wildhammer warbrands who fight in the riverbed and within the Thundermar Ruins along the north bank. The best among them carry insignias - gather them for me to prove your allegiance to the Dragonmaw cause.


You will receive: 9g (13g 15s 50c at 85)


Show me the insignias you've collected, <class>.


Look what we have here! A single Horde <class> can demolish the Wildhammer by the dozen. What hope do they have now?

Patch changes

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