Crocolisk Boy and the Bearded Murloc

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NeutralCrocolisk Boy and the Bearded Murloc
Start Chronos
End Chronos
Level 60 (Requires 30)
Category Darkmoon Faire
Reputation +250 Darkmoon Faire
Rewards 12 x  [Darkmoon Faire Prize Ticket]


Yebb is working on other attractions for his zoo, including wet, swampy abodes for a boy raised by crocolisks, and perhaps for a murloc. We will need nice, water-tight leggings so we won't get waterlogged during prop-ups and tear-downs. For that job, I think turtlescale leggings will do the trick.

<Name>, can you make those leggings? If you do, then a fat stack of Darkmoon Faire tickets will be your reward...


Great, you made them! These will do nicely... I just hope I won't be the one to clean the crocolisk cage when the time comes. Those beasts can be rather beastly, don't you think?

Here are your tickets, <name>. Enjoy them, and enjoy your stay at the Darkmoon Faire!



See Darkmoon Faire Reputation for details of this quest's availability.

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