Conscript of the Horde

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For the Classic version, see H [12] Conscript of the Horde.
HordeConscript of the Horde
Start Takrin Pathseeker
End Kargal Battlescar[62, 19]
Level 5-30
Category Northern Barrens
Experience 420
Reputation +75 Orgrimmar
+75 Darkspear Trolls
Next H [5-30] In Defense of Far Watch
H [5-30] Plainstrider Menace


Give Kargal Battlescar at the Barrens outpost your recruitment letter.


Hmm, you look pretty strong.

Listen, my good friend Kargal needs some new recruits for Barrens duty. I know you want to do what's right for the Horde. Well, this is your chance.

Take this recruitment letter to Kargal and see if he'll sign it.


You will receive:


What do you want, pup? If you're not here for recruitment, I don't have time for you.


Oh, so Takrin sent you?

<Kargal warily eyes your recruitment letter and shoves it unceremoniously into his vest>

I'll sign this when you've earned it. I've got reports from down south that this whole continent is being torn apart. Meanwhile, we've got supply caravans backed up to the river and outposts under siege from here to Stonetalon. You want to prove your worth to the horde? Start by proving it here.


  1. Optional breadcrumbs:
  2. H [5-30] In Defense of Far Watch
  3. H [5-30] The Far Watch Offensive
  4. H [5-30] Crossroads Caravan Pickup

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