Conquering Arathi Basin (level 29)

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For other versions, see Conquering Arathi Basin.
HordeConquering Arathi basin
Start Horde Warbringer
End Horde Warbringer
Level 29 (Requires 21)
Type PvP
Category Arathi Basin
Experience 3000
Rewards +82 [Honor]


Bring 3 Arathi Basin Marks of Honor to a Horde Warbringer outside the battlegrounds.


Our conflict with the Alliance has escalated to a true war. No longer are false pretenses to enter into battle used or expected by either side at this point.

The battle for the Arathi Basin is one of resources, plain and simple. Either the Alliance gets the resources and uses them against us or we get them and use them to keep our war efforts going. Help the Defilers maintain the flow of resources we need, <name>!


You will receive: 25s


You've come back with news from Arathi, <class>?


Securing our resources in Arathi is an important task! You've done well, <name>.

Patch changes

External links