Completionism (Horde)

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Start Estelle Gendry
End Estelle Gendry
Level 40 (Requires 40)
Category Undercity
Rewards  [Timeworn Heirloom Armor Casing]
Previous H [40] Numismatics
Next H [40] A Curious Oddity
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [40] Completionism.


Bring Misprinted Draenic Coins to Estelle Gendry in Undercity. Misprinted Draenic Coins can be found when completing your first Random Heroic Draenor dungeon each day.


This is intolerable! The coins you brought me do not match the rest of the coins I already have! You aren't counterfeiting these are you? No? Hrumph. In that case I'm sorry we fought, dearie.

There's only one thing to do, buttercup: we need to complete the new set you've discovered. Bring me more misprinted coins!


You will receive:
Inv icon heirloomtoken armor02.png [Timeworn Heirloom Armor Casing]


I certainly hope these coins can complete this set so I can se-- er, so I can treasure them forever.


That wasn't so hard now was it, peaches?

<Estelle holds the coins you brought up the the light and practically purrs.>

Yes yes, these are so very strange...



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