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Ability monk effuse.png
  • Coalescence
  • Row 5 Master of Harmony monk hero talent
  • Passive
  • Brewmaster When Aspect of Harmony deals damage it has a chance to spread to a nearby enemy When you directly attack an affected target, it has a chance to intensify.

    Mistweaver When Aspect of Harmony heals it has a chance to spread to a nearby ally When you directly heal an affected target, it has a chance to intensify.

    Targets damaged or healed by your Aspect of Harmony take 10% increased damage or healing from you.
Class Monk
Talent required [Overwhelming Force] or [Path of Resurgence]/ [Way of a Thousand Strikes] or [Clarity of Purpose]
Other information
Affects [Aspect of Harmony]

Coalescence is a Master of Harmony hero talent for monks.

Patch changes

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