Cleanup at Bloodvenom Post

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NeutralCleanup at Bloodvenom Post
Start Altsoba Ragetotem
End Altsoba Ragetotem
Level 15-30
Category Felwood
Experience 6,040
Rewards 70s


Slay 6 Bloodvenom Slimeslaves.



Could you... ugh... could you please... URGH!

Excuse me, I'm still a little... ugh, my stomach. If you're going to Bloodvenom Post to the west, could you please HUUURGH...

Just... just put what's left of my friends out of their misery. Go RIGHT NOW. For your own good. Uuuuurghh...


Thank you, <class>. I'm feeling much better now, and can appreciate the news that those abominations are gone.

You still might not want to stand too close, just in case...


You will receive: 70s


  1. N [15-30] The Tainted Ooze & N [15-30] A Slimy Situation
  2. N [15-30] Winna's Kitten
  3. N [15-30] Cleanup at Bloodvenom Post & N [15-30] Hazzard Disposal
  4. N [15-30] Whisperwind Grove (optional breadcrumb)

Patch changes

External links