Children of the Water

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NeutralChildren of the Water
Start Stonecarver Mac [55.1, 48.1]
End Stonecarver Mac [55.1, 48.1]
Level 15-35
Category Valley of the Four Winds
Experience 129000
Rewards 10g 20s


Slay Kracor, Thundergill, and Succula.


We are all children of the water here in the Valley of the Four Winds. It nourishes us, it grows our vegetables, it brings us life.

Some creatures, however, drink too deeply from the water. They grow too large, and must be eliminated before they cause havoc to those around them.

I am but a simple stonecarver. You, on the other hand...


You will receive: 10g 20s


Let this be a lesson to you: don't drink too much of the water.

Why do you think we have such a big brewery?


The three targets are found in the Gilded Fan.

  • Kracor is on a rock in the center [55.8, 33.9]. She can heal and send to sleep.
  • Thundergill is underwater to the north of Kracor [55.2, 25.1].
  • Succula is in the narrow passage west of Thundergill [51.5, 27.1]. She is stealthed next to a dead Glade Hunter.

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