Chest of The Seven

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The chest of the seven.

Chest of the Seven can be found inside Summoners' Tomb in Blackrock Depths. You must defeat Doom'rel in order to access this object.


Often contains 2 of the following blue items:
Inv axe 13.png [Wraith Scythe] Inv helmet 41.png [Ghostshroud]
Inv pants 11.png [Haunting Specter Leggings] Inv chest chain 07.png [Deathdealer Breastplate]
Inv hammer 08.png [Impervious Giant] Inv weapon shortblade 15.png [Blood-Etched Blade]
Inv hammer 07.png [The Hammer of Grace] Inv pants 04.png [Legplates of the Eternal Guardian]

Patch changes

  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.6.0 (2005-07-12): Fixed a bug that was causing the Chest of the Seven to despawn too soon.

External links