Champion: Almai

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NeutralChampion: Almai
End Brewer Almai
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Monk Campaign
Class Monk Monk
Rewards N Monk [45] Champion: Almai
Previous N Monk [45] A Time for Everything


I will miss Brewmaster Blanche. She taught me to follow my dreams.

And I have always wanted to study Mistweaving...

Grandmaster <name>. If you will have me, I will defend you and our order from all that wish us harm.


You will gain these followers:


Once you have turned in this quest, return to Maiev Shadowsong at Deliverance Point in Broken Shore to complete N [45] Champions of Legionfall.

Completing this quest also unlocks N Monk [45] Further Advancement, a bread crumb quest to encourage you to research new Order Advancement traits for your Class Hall.


  1. N Monk [45] A Brewing Situation
  2. N Monk [45] Panic at the Brewery
  3. N Monk [45] Storming the Legion
  4. Complete all of:
  5. N Monk [45] Hope For a Cure
  6. N Monk [45] Not Felling Well
  7. N Monk [45] A Time for Everything
  8. N Monk [45] Champion: Almai

Patch changes

External links