Catalyze This

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Night FaeCatalyze This
Start Warden Casad
End Warden Casad
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Queen's Conservatory
Experience 4,100
Rewards 12g 87s
Previous N [60] Rebirth of the Grove
Next N [60] Seed of a Thought


Use the catalyst on the catalyst plot.


The grove grows in power, and so shall the spirits it shelters.

You have nurtured a spirit to rebirth on your own. Now you must learn to make use of catalysts.

When planted near a wildseed, catalysts grant the slumbering spirit strength beyond what it knew in life. Strength that it retains when reborn.

Catalysts are special and rare, though I have one here for you to use. Others can be found across the Shadowlands.

For now, plant the catalyst and witness the potential it holds.


You will receive:

  • 12g 87s
  • 4,100 XP


Another lesson, another step on the path.


Nature holds as many secrets as it does gifts.


On accept
Warden Casad says: Wildseeds draw strength and succor from catalysts planted beside them.
Warden Casad says: Blessings differ with each catalyst. Experiment, explore, and expand.
Warden Casad says: But catalysts must precede the wildseed. Plant the catalysts first, or they will not benefit the spirits.
Beta description

The first step in planning for a soul seed's restoration is to prepare the catalyst plots around the chrysalis pod.

I only have a meager supply of catalysts left, but you can have one so you can learn. You can discover more catalysts out on your adventures, but for now, this one will suffice.

Listen to the Warden and let them show you which plot to use the catalyst on.


  1. N [60] A Savior for Lost Souls
  2. N [60] How to Save a God
  3. N [60] Greeting a God
  4. N [60] Rebirth of the Grove
  5. N [60] Catalyze This
  6. N [60] Seed of a Thought
  7. N [60] Regrowth of the Grove
  8. N [60] Blossoming of the Grove
  9. N [60] The Grove Resplendent

Patch changes

External links