Carendin Summons

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HordeCarendin Summons
Start Alamma
End Carendin Halgar
Level 20 (Requires 20)
Category Warlock
Race IconSmall BloodElf Male.gifIconSmall BloodElf Female.gif Blood elf
Experience 160
Next H Warlock [20] Devourer of Souls


Speak with Carendin Halgar in Undercity.


You have a hungry look about you, <name>. Perhaps it is time you advanced your training.

Travel to Undercity and speak with Carendin Halgar, the old bag of bones knows a trick or two you might find useful.


You will receive:

  • 160 XP (or 90c at level 70)


Ah, yet another power hungry initiate. Wonderful!

Wouldn't be much of a warlock if you didn't thirst for power, now would you <boy/girl>? Let's get on with it.


  1. H IconSmall BloodElf Male.gifIconSmall BloodElf Female.gif Warlock [20] Carendin Summons
  2. H Warlock [20] Devourer of Souls
  3. H Warlock [20] Hearts of the Pure
  4. H Warlock [20] The Binding

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