CVar gxRefresh

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This cvar controls your VSync refresh rate - aka your max FPS while VSync is on. This CVar will change itself to match your monitor's refresh rate the first time you launch wow.

Default Setting


Possible Settings

You generally don't wish to change this setting as wow will usually auto-detect this correctly.

60 (Hz)
Most LCD Monitors
75 (Hz)
Most CRT Monitors
120 (Hz)
Special gaming monitors - in WoW, these are meant for use with the Nvidia 3D goggles.

Changing this setting

In-game, type the following

/console gxRefresh setting

Alternatively, you can exit wow, open the file, and add the following line:

SET gxRefresh setting

Fix for current issue

When wow loads, it'll automatically reset gxRefresh back to 60Hz. However, to get around this you can edit your file to 75/120, save it, then set the file to read-only.

Please note that setting this file to read-only will keep wow from saving any engine, graphics or sound changes.


Cataclysm Patch 4.0.1 (2010-10-12): 59Hz is the only option supported by the game engine due to a bug - this will cause screen tearing if using CVar gxVSync. See above to get around it.
Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.2.0 (2009-08-04): 60Hz is the only option supported by the game engine due to a bug. See above to get around it.
Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.0.8 (2009-01-20): 120Hz added for support of Nvidia 3D goggles.