Buy A Fish A Keg?

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NeutralBuy A Fish A Keg?
Start Jogu the Drunk
End Jogu the Drunk
Level 15-35
Category Valley of the Four Winds
Experience 236,000 XP
Rewards 19g 84s 50c


Bring 10 Jade Witch Brew to Jogu the Drunk. Jade Witch Brew can be made using the cooking profession.


My dreams grow dim recently, <race>.

I need something powerful to kick myshelf back into gear!

I heard there'sh a delishush drink that folksh are making nowadays.

It'sh called Jade Witch Brew.

I'd sure like to taste some.


Any luck?


Oooh, that'sh got quite the kick! I'm growing shleepy...


You will receive: 19g 84s 50c


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