Bubbling Red Muck Dye

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VenthyrBubbling Red Muck Dye
Start Dredger Butler
End Dredger Butler
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Ember Court
Rewards Inv potion 49.png Bubbling Muck Dye



You will learn:

Inv potion 49.png Bubbling Muck Dye — Adds a Bubbling Muck Dye to your butler's inventory to use for armor dying.


Is that one still bubbling?


Ooh, its[sic] still warm. I could live out in the Ember Ward. I will save this for the next time we need to dye my doublet. I want to remind you that we will need one for each dying, but I can keep this one ready.

Criteria of


Patch changes

External links