Brush With Death

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NeutralBrush With Death
Start Tome of Oblivion
End Veriss
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category Inscription
Experience 4,450
Rewards Blood Contract: Oblivion (spell)
5g 85s
Previous N Inscription [50D] Temple of Sethraliss: Booking on a Favor
Next N Inscription [50] The Final Verse


Pick up the quill and begin your trial.

  • Use the quill
  • First rune drawn
  • Second rune drawn
  • Third rune drawn


<As you open the book, a sudden chill comes over you. You shake the sensation off as you read the verse.>

"A fatal bargain, in blood is struck,
One inks their pledge,
with strokes of luck.
Stay true your lines,
keep still your breath,
Lest you stray too far,
and summon death."

<As you finish reading the incantation, a quill appears next to the book.>


You will learn how to create: Blood Contract: Oblivion

You will also receive:

  • 5g 85s
  • 4,450 XP


I hope you didn't use too much "ink" to sign the book, if you know what I mean.


Well done, young blood scribe.

You can now invoke the Oblivion Contract. It lets you summon a creature that, well let's just say, his bite is bigger than his bark.

He likes to prey on creatures that are on the verge of death, yourself included if you're not too careful.


To make it easier to draw the runes, zoom your camera in and keep the white tip of the quill in the center between the lines.


  1. B Inscription [50] Drawing Blood
  2. B Inscription [50] Turn to Drust
  3. Complete both:
  4. N Inscription [50] Lines In the Sand
  5. N Inscription [50D] Temple of Sethraliss: Booking on a Favor
  6. Complete both:
  7. N Inscription [50] The Final Verse
  8. N Inscription [50] A Test of Quills

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