Brownie Bear

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This article contains lore taken from Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.
Brownie next to Parqual's tombstone.

Brownie Bear is a tattered old teddy bear that originally belonged to Philia Fintallas. It was the first toy her father Parqual gave her when she was born. Philia was afraid she'd forget the toy during her trip to Stormwind during the Third War, so she left it behind in Lordaeron with her father. After Lordaeron fell and Parqual was transformed into a Forsaken, he kept Brownie as one of the only remnants of his old life.[1]

When Parqual got the opportunity to reunite with Philia at the Gathering in the Arathi Highlands years later, he took Brownie Bear with him to give as a gift to his daughter.[1] Philia became tearful when Parqual showed her the stuffed animal, but the rules of the meeting prohibited her from touching it until after the event.[2]

Ultimately, the Gathering ended with the tragic deaths of Parqual and the other Desolate Council members. Their friends and relatives subsequently buried them at a graveyard in Arathi, where Philia left Brownie Bear sitting next to her father's tombstone.


  1. ^ a b Before the Storm, chapter 29, pg. 230
  2. ^ Before the Storm, chapter 32, pg. 248