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Bring Me Their Heads

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NeutralBring Me Their Heads
Start Stubborn Animate
End Stubborn Animate
Level 53-60
Category Maldraxxus
Experience 8,200
Reputation +20 The Undying Army
Rewards 24g 10s 20c


Collect 10 Traitor's Heads.


I swore to the grave of Vistara the Fallen that I would bring him the head of the one who betrayed him.

Though that was eons ago, it is an oath I must fulfill. Whatever fate ultimately befell the traitor, it is likely that his head can still be found nearby.

Slaughter everyone here. Surely one of them must be the traitor... or be in possession of his head.


You will receive:


Do you have the traitor's head?


I have asked many others to collect heads as well! So even if none of these are the traitor's head, we shall find it eventually!





Beta version

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

I swore an oath upon Vistara the Fallen's grave, that I would bring him the heads of the traitors that slew him.

That was eons ago, but it was an oath I must fulfill. Alive or dead, the heads of the traitors are here somewhere in this place.

Kill everyone here and and[sic] we will surely find the traitor's head.

Patch changes

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