Bread and Circuses (Horde)

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HordeBread and Circuses
Start Lucy Brokerblast
End Dexyl Deadblade
Level 35-40
Category Nagrand
Experience 1,480 experience
Next N [35-40] Ring of Trials: Crushmaul
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [35-40] Bread and Circuses.


Speak with Dexyl Deadblade at the Ring of Trials.


Hey, <mister/lady>, this crumb-bum won't let me in. Interested in some cold, hard cash?

My boss is promoting fights at the Ring of Trials. You look like you could hold your own.

You should go fight.


Hey there, bub. Lucy sent you? Good kid.

Yeah... you look like you'll do nicely.


Patch changes

External links