Blessing of Might

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Blessing of Might
Spell holy fistofjustice.png
  • Blessing of Might
  • Level 4 paladin ability
  • 30 yd range
  • 20 Mana
  • Instant
  • Places a Blessing on the friendly target, increasing melee attack power by 20 for 5 min. Players may only have one Blessing on them per Paladin at any one time.
Class Paladin
School Holy
Cooldown None/Global Cooldown
Other information
Level learned 4
Related buff
  • Magic
  • Blessing of Might
  • Increases melee attack power by 20.
  • Duration: 5 minutes
Bestowed upon the worthy, increased might can facilitate great deeds.[1]

Blessing of Might is a paladin buff spell.

Tips and tactics


  • Blessing of Might is a basic Paladin spell in Hearthstone. The flavor text reads: ""As in, you MIGHT want to get out of my way." - Toad Mackle, recently buffed."

Patch changes

  • Legion-Logo-Small.png Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Removed.
  • Mists-Logo-Small.png Patch 5.3.0 (2013-05-21): Mana cost reduced to 5%, down from 22.3%.
  • Mists-Logo-Small.png Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Redesigned. No longer increases melee attack power, ranged attack power, or restore mana.
  • Cata-Logo-Small.png Patch 4.3.0 (2011-11-29): The melee attack power bonus has been increased to 20%, up from 10%. The ranged attack power bonus remains 10%.
  • Cata-Logo-Small.png Patch 4.0.1 (2010-10-12): Effect of [Blessing of Wisdom] merged into Blessing of Might. Icon updated to Spell holy greaterblessingofkings.png
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.3.0 (2009-12-08): The buff will be stored in a Consolidation Box when received. It will come out when 1 min. is left.
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.1.0 (2004-11-07): Added.

See also


External links