Black Rook Rumble (mission)

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NeutralBlack Rook Rumble
Level 110 (760)
Duration 12 hrs
Followers 3
Type Special Reward
Enemies David Globerunner
Waves of Combatants
Ravencrest's Gaze
Cost 250 Order Resources
Champion XP 3,000
Bonus Chest [Seal of Broken Fate]


At Raven's Glory Arena in Black Rook Hold, our champions can prove their worth and earn respect for our cause. Send them to the Rumble.


  • David Globerunner: Powerful
  • Waves of Combatants: Lethal Slowing Cursed Disorienting Powerful
  • Ravencrest's Gaze: Slowing Lethal Disorienting Cursed Powerful


  • 3,000 follower XP


You will receive:
Inv misc azsharacoin.png [Seal of Broken Fate]

Patch changes

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