Big Black Mace (quest)

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NeutralBig Black Mace
Start Kerri Hicks
End Kerri Hicks
Level 60 (Requires 30)
Category Darkmoon Faire
Reputation +250 Darkmoon Faire
Rewards 12 x  [Darkmoon Faire Prize Ticket]


For my act as the strongest woman alive, I plan to accept items from the audience and smash them with a big, black mace!

Can you make me a big black mace, <name>?


Ah, perfect! This mace has a big, heavy head on it. I bet I could smash just about anything with it. I just hope I don't break it along with whatever I swing it against!

Here are your tickets, <name>. Enjoy your stay at the faire!



See Darkmoon Faire Reputation for details of this quest's availability.

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