Better Late Than Never (Horde)

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HordeBetter Late Than Never
Start Janice's Parcel
End Royal Overseer Bauhaus
Level 52 (Requires 50)
Category Western Plaguelands
Experience 2550 (or 15s 60c at level 70)
Previous N [52] Better Late Than Never
Next H [52] The Jeremiah Blues

Better Late Than Never starts the Better Late Than Never (Horde) quest chain.


Check with the Royal Overseers of the Undercity to learn the whereabouts of a Jeremiah Felstone. There is usually a census officer located near guild and tabard registration.


You pick up the package, wiping off a small layer of dust and grime that had settled on it. It is addressed in a hurried hand to a Jeremiah Felstone of Lordaeron; the delivery of the package is dated for well over four years ago.

Though it is unclear if Jeremiah Felstone is even alive, it is widely known that the Undercity, formerly known as Lordaeron, keeps records on the populace of the city. This is handled through the Royal Overseers of the Undercity Census.


You will receive:

  • 2550 XP (or 15s 60c at level 70)


Are you here to seek the assistance of the Undercity census, or just to ask me if someone you knew is dead? I get asked that a lot.


A package for a Jeremiah Felstone, with his last known address as Lordaeron... I should be able to assist you.

Jeremiah Felstone was in the city before the plague. Well, I should say the former Jeremiah Felstone - some of the Forsaken have changed their last names to rid themselves of their former countenance. This case is no exception; the former Jeremiah Felstone is now known as Jeremiah Payson.

Wait a minute... isn't he the cockroach vendor?


  1. N [52] Better Late Than Never
  2. A [52] Better Late Than Never / H [52] Better Late Than Never
  3. A [52] Good Natured Emma / H [52] The Jeremiah Blues
  4. N [52] Good Luck Charm
  5. N [54] Two Halves Become One

Patch changes

External links