Behind Legion Lines

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NeutralBehind Legion Lines
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Type World Quest
Category Eredath
Reputation +75 Argussian Reach
Rewards Varies
Previous N [45] Overt Ops



Captain Fareeya says: I've sent scouts to gauge the extent of the Legion's incursion into Eredath, but they have not returned. Please find them and give aid... if they yet live.



Captain Fareeya says: The scouts are safe now, thanks to your help.


Triggers at Arinor Gardens in Eredath. Interact with them to bandage.

Treated, the patient stands, salutes you, and is emergency teleported out.


  1. N [45] Where They Least Expect It
  2. N [45] We Have a Problem
  3. N [45] A Non-Prophet Organization & N [45] Wrath of the High Exarch & N [45] Overt Ops
  4. N [45] Flanking Maneuvers & N [45] Talgath's Forces
  5. N [45] What Might Have Been
  6. N [45] Across the Universe
  7. N [45] Shadow of the Triumvirate
  8. N [45] The Seat of the Triumvirate
  9. N [45] Whispers from Oronaar & N [45] Arkhaan's Prayers
  10. N [45] The Pulsing Madness & N [45] Arkhaan's Pain
  11. N [45] Arkhaan's Plan
  12. N [45] Arkhaan's Peril
  13. N [45] Throwing Shade
  14. N [45] Sources of Darkness & N [45] The Shadowguard Incursion
  15. N [45] A Vessel Made Ready
  16. N [45] A Beacon in the Dark (grants  [You Are Now Prepared!])
  17. Follow-ups:

Patch changes

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