Bath'rah's Parchment

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Bath'rah's Parchment is a list of materials needed by Bath'rah the Windwatcher in order to summon the great air elemental Cyclonian. If a warrior can defeat Cyclonian, Bath'rah can take his heart and build a weapon around it.


This item is provided by accepting the warrior quest N Warrior [40] Cyclonian. This quest is part of the Whirlwind Weapon quest chain for warriors.


Bath'rah's Parchment

Below you will find that which is needed for my spell to summon the great Cyclonian. May fortune go with you.

- Bath'rah the Windwatcher


This may be gathered from the wilderness, or gained from the Withervine Beasts of Dustwallow Marsh. It's power will be necessary to draw the life essence of Cyclonian to this world.

Bloodscalp Tusks:

The tusks of the Bloodscalp Trolls in Stranglethorn Vale have a rare quality. The deprivation of the Bloodscalps is concentrated in their tusks, and if ground into powder their vile powers may be unleashed.

 [Essence of the Exile]:

This essence is gained through the fusion of the three charms of the elemental exiles of the Arathi Highlands. Gather Thunder, Burning and Cresting Charms from the elementals, then place eight of each in my cauldron.

From the charms the essence of the exile will form.

Patch changes

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